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dc.contributor.authorDarmawan, Yanto
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dc.description.abstractPrevious studies that tested the influence of learning behavior of accounting students on academic achievement focuses on student Strata1 (S1), while there is a population of college students of diploma III that have specific characteristics of a learning process which tend on the psychomotoric process than cognitive process. This research aims to test the influence of learning behavior on academic achievement in the context of students of diploma III in accounting. The research model used includes five independent variables of the learning behavior which are measured by five activities namely the activity inside the class, the activity inside the laboratory class, the habit to read text book, the preparation to have test, the habit of visiting the library and one dependent variable namely academic performance index. Data was obtained from 235 students of Akademi Akuntansi YKPN (AA YKPN) Yogyakarta, which was analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling - Partial Least Square (PLS) using Smart PLS 2.0. This study concludes that of five activities, only one activity influence the academic achievement of the student, which is the preparation to have test.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectLearning Behaviorin_ID
dc.subjectThe Student Of Diploma III In Accountingin_ID
dc.subjectStructural Equation Modellingin_ID
dc.subjectPartial Least Squarein_ID
dc.titleAnalisis Perilaku Belajar Mahasiswa Diploma III Akuntansi dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Prestasi Akademikin_ID

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