Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen (Studi Empiris pada PT. Garuda Indonesia di Surakarta)
This study aims at analyzing the influence of the service qualities, including reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, tangibility and empathy on the consumer satisfaction quality on the consumer
satisfaction of PT Garuda Indonesia at the Surakarta Adi Sumarmo Airport. .
This study located at the Surakarta Adi Sumarmo Airport used the sampling random method,
including 100 respondents. The data collecting method used the questionnaires. The data analyzing method
used the test of data validity and that hypothesis includiong the multiple-linier regression analysis, F-test
and t-test.
The findings of this study showed that including the variables of reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, tangible and empathy had a significant influence partially on the consumer satisfaction of PT
Garuda Indonesia at the Surakarta Adi Sumarmo Airport. The result of the t-test showed that the five
variables had a significant influence simultaneously on the consumer satisfaction of PT Garuda Indonesia
at the Surakarta Adi Sumarmo Airport. It is indicated the p-value is smaller than the significant level of
0.000< 0.005 and Ho unconfirmed. Among the five variables, the variable of reliability was the most
dominant factor on the consumer satisfaction. It is indicated that the value of the standardized coefficient ß
is larger thet the other qualities of 0.441 and the t count value is 6.266.
Referring to the results of this study, it is suggested that because the service qualities including
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, tangible and emphaty have a siqnificant factor on the consumer
saticfaction, in order to survive in the business competition in flight service, PT Garuda Indonesia has to
increase and improve its consumer satisfaction and weakness. The most satisfactory service for the
consumer must be a commitment for its members and supported by the other related parties.