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dc.contributor.authorCahyani, Anggita Dian
dc.contributor.authorIspurwanto, Wing
dc.contributor.authorRumeser, Johannes A.A.
dc.contributor.authorSetyorini, Ari
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dc.description.abstractNon Communicable Disease contributes to 68% cause of death. One of the NCDs causes is poor eating habit. This research aims to explore workers eating habit in Jakarta, especially focusing on their bad eating habit. The research involved 220 participants who worked in Jakarta, and the data were analyzed by using descriptive quantitative method. It was found that that most of the participants have bad eating habit, in medium to high category. Besides, it was also found that women tend to be less healthy if compared to men.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjecteating habitin_ID
dc.subjectunhealthy eating habitin_ID
dc.subjectemotional eatingin_ID
dc.titleEating Habit Among Workers In Jakartain_ID

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