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dc.contributor.authorNingdyah, Anrilia E M
dc.contributor.authorHelmes, Edward
dc.contributor.authorKidd, Garry
dc.contributor.authorThompson, Claire
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dc.description.abstractMental health is an important issue in the Indonesian health arena, given the existing large gap between the number of people with mental disorders and mental health services available for them. One raised concern is the extent to which Indonesian psychologists - as mental health professionals - can bridge this identified gap, in terms of both quality and accessibility of services provided. The involvement of psychologists in the provision of mental health services in primary health care facilities is one of the many initiatives intensively discussed by the parties involved in mental health care service in Indonesia. The writer argued that there were at least two important points that were important to be addressed by the Indonesian health services community in relation to the above: the competencies expected of a health service psychologist and the extent to which the curricula for prospective Indonesian psychologists equip the graduates to be able to meet the demands for these competencies. The scholars had identified the roles and capabilities expected of mental health service psychologists in this area, which were presented briefly in this paper. In relation to the latter, this article described the structure of Indonesian professional psychology education and identified the curriculum content in several of the country’s professional programs that were closely related to specific competencies required by health service psychologists. Further, the content was considered relevant to the preparation of psychologists working in health settings that was currently missing from Indonesian curricula would also be identified. In conclusion, some important aspects of preparing mental health service psychologists for practice would be discussed later. Some suggestions were also made on some areas of research that might be pursued in the future.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectmental healthin_ID
dc.subjectpsychologists’ educationin_ID
dc.subjecthealth care psychologistsin_ID
dc.titlePreparing For Mental Health Care Services: Professional Psychology Curricula In Indonesiain_ID

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