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dc.contributor.authorPratisti, Wiwien Dinar
dc.contributor.authorRini, Oktafiyana Kusuma
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dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between emotion regulations with subjective well-being in adolescent students. The hypothesis predicted that there was a positive relationship between emotion regulations with subjective well-being in adolescent students. Positive emotion regulation caused higher subjective well-being in adolescents, or vice versa. This study used a scale of emotion regulation and subjective well-being for collecting the data, and by engaging the students in class XI IPA1, IPA4 XI, XI IPS3 at SMA 1 Wonosari Klaten, they were selected by using random cluster sampling technique. The data were analyzed with Pearson product moment correlation. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between emotion regulation with subjective wellbeing (r = 0.350; p <0.05). The effective contribution of emotion regulation to subjective well-being was 12.3%. The classification of emotion regulation and subjective well-being in adolescents were moderate. Some recommendations based on the results of this research were to include other forms of interventions that could improve emotion regulation and subjective well-being for adolescents; and to examine other variables that may affect the subjective well-being in adolescents for further research. While at the school, the parents provided the necessary intervention for the regulation of positive emotions and subjective well-being.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectsubjective well-beingin_ID
dc.subjectemotion regulationin_ID
dc.subjectmoderate of emotion regulationin_ID
dc.subjectmoderate of subjective well-beingin_ID
dc.titleThe Relation of Emotion Regulation and Subjective Well-Being in Adolescent Studentsin_ID

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