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dc.contributor.authorRumana, Nanda Aula
dc.contributor.authorAriawan, Iwan
dc.identifier.citation[1] BPS (2012). Laporan Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia 2012. Jakarta. [2] WHO (2014). Levels and trends in child mortality 2014. Geneva: Document Centre, WHO.Availableat: nds_child_mortality_2014/en/. Accessed on February 6, 2015. [3] WHO (2014). Levels and trends in child mortality 2014. Geneva: Document Centre, WHO.Availableat: nds_child_mortality_2014/en/. Accessed on February 6, 2015. [4] BPS (2012). Laporan Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia 2012. Jakarta. [5] Kemenkes (2011). Setiap hari, lebih dari 400 bayi (0-11 bulan) meninggal di Indonesia. Available at Accessed on January 1, 2015. [6] Salim. Lanny Ch. (1993). Perbandingan pengaruh pemberian zat besi dengan zat besi dan asam folat terhadap kadar haemoglobin pada wanita hamil dengan anemia. Thesis. [7] Kemenkes (2013). Hasil Riskesdas 2013 Terkait Kesehatan Ibu. Jakarta: Direktorat Kesehatan Ibu. Available at: Accessed on January 7, 2015. [8] UNICEF Indonesia (2012). Ringkasan kajian kesehatan ibu dan anak. Jakarta. Available at Accessed on February 6, 2015. [9] Thorand, Barbara, Werner Schultink., Rainer Gross., Soemilah Sastroamidjojo., Sondra Wentzel.(1994). Efficiency of the iron supplementation programme for pregnant women in Jeneponto, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 3, 211-215 [10] WHO (2014). Guidelines for the use of iron supplements to prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia. ILSI Press ntation.pdf. Accessed on February 8, 2015. [11] Almatsier, Sunita (2001). Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. [12] Arisman (2009). Gizi dalam daur kehidupan: buku ajar ilmu gizi. Jakarta : EGC. [13] Arisman (2009). Gizi dalam daur kehidupan: buku ajar ilmu gizi. Jakarta : EGC. [14] WHO (2014). Micronutrient deficiencies . Iron deficiency anaemia. Geneva. Nutrition health topic. (8 Mei 2015) [15] WHO (2001). Iron Deficiency Anaemia Assessment, Prevention, and Control A guide for programme managers. Genewa: WHO. [16] Titaley, C. R., Dibley, M. J., Roberts, C. L., & Agho, K. (2010). Combined iron/folic acid supplements and malaria prophylaxis reduce neonatal mortality in 19 sub-saharan african countries. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92(1), 235. [17] Kemenkes (2013). Laporan Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Jakarta: Kemenkes RI.in_ID
dc.description.abstractOne of the biggest nutrition problems for pregnant women is nutrition anemia which is the most common and widespread in the world (WHO, 2015). In Indonesia, 37.1% pregnant women suffer from this health problem. It is estimated that a half of anemia cases are caused by a deficiency of iron (WHO, 2014). Additional iron becomes one of the components of antenatal care which is expected to reduce neonatal mortality. Based on data SDKI 2012, only 33% of pregnant women who were provided by 90 iron tablets or more. The consequences of this deficiency include premature birth, complication, low birth weight, as well as neonatal mortality. The research was aimed to find out the influence of iron consumption during pregnancy on neonatal death in Indonesia in 2012. It used cross sectional design with a total sample of 13.917 neonatal who was born in 2007-2012 and 139 of them were neonatal mortality. This research found that there was a relationship between iron supplementation taken for 30-59 days during pregnancy with the incidence of neonatal death. Mothers who took iron for 30-59 days during pregnancy increased neonatal mortality by 2.56 times compared to mothers who consumed ≥ 120 days (95% CI = 1.12 to 5.81). The variables were mother’s age when gave birth, occupation, type of birth, father’s education, birth weight, antenatal care, and complications. The government should increase the standard of iron consumption during pregnancy at least for 90 days to reduce the anemia during pregnancy.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.titleEffect Of Iron Supplementation During Pregnancy On Neonatal Death In Indonesia (IDHS Secondary Data Analysis 2012)in_ID

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