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dc.contributor.authorLestari, Siti
dc.contributor.authorSunaryo, Tri
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dc.description.abstractAs a chronic disease, Diabetes Mellitus (DM) requires long-termed attention and treatment to prevent complications. People with DM are obliged to have appropriate and adequate knowledge, skills and behaviors so they can manage their lives by themselves. Research showed that 50–80% people with DM have inadequate knowledge to manage their disease. Through the self-management education, people with DM are expected to improve their competences in early detection of hypoglycemia so it will increase the quality of life and reduce the risk of further complications. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of diabetes self-management education towards early detection of hypoglycemia among patients with DM. A quasi-experimental pre-post design with control group was used to investigate the impact of using self-management education. Total of 40 participants were divided into the intervention group and control group. Purposive sampling was used to obtain the sample and independent t-test was used to analyze the data. This study indicated the competence of people with DM in detecting early symptoms of hypoglycemia increased from 6.1 with SD 13.7 to 71.7 with SD 19.2. Subsequently, the model of self management education was evidenced to enhance the competence of people with DM in the early detection of hypoglycemia with P value of 0.011 (α = 0.05). The findings showed that the self-management education could improve the competence of patients with DM in the early detection of hypoglycemia.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectself-management educationin_ID
dc.titleSelf Management Education Model For Improving The Competence In Early Detection Of Hypoglycemia Among People With Diabetes Mellitus In Dr. Moewardi Hospitalin_ID

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