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dc.contributor.authorKurniawati, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorArdiyana, Agus Kresna
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dc.description.abstractLaundry is one type of informal businesses, which has been growing rapidly in the community. Laundry workers generally conduct drying, squeezing, rinsing, lifting, folding, and ironing. These can lead to musculoskeletal disorders, which are generally felt in the lower back. In order to overcome the problem of lower back pain, one can do exercises Combination of Isotonic (COI) and education. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise Combination of Isotonic (COI) and Education on reducing low back pain (LBP) in the laundry workers who experienced lower back pain in the village Pabelan Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The design of this study was observational with Quasi Experimental research design Pre and Post Two Group Design by comparing the two groups, namely, exercise Combination of Isotonic (COI) and education in the form of stretching exercises m. hamstring conducted over 4 weeks with 18 respondents. There was a study using the Wilcoxon's test and Mann Whitney influence to test different influences. The results of the study showed the effect of exercise Combination of Isotonic (COI) and Education by using Wilcoxon test. Namely, Combination of Isotonic exercises (COI) with the results mean p = 0.007 p <0.05 could be concluded that there was no effect on the reduction of lower back pain, and from Education with the results mean p = 0.025 p> 0.05 could be concluded that there was no influence on the decline lower back pain. As well as the results of different test exercises which influenced the treatment between Combination of Isotonic (COI) and Education was measured by using Mann Whitney test with the results mean p = 0.002 p <0.05. It could be concluded that there was a difference between the effect of combination of isotonic exercises (COI) and education to relief lower back pain. Finally, it could be concluded that there was a difference between the effects of exercise Combination Of Isotonic (COI) and Education to the decrease lower back pain.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectExercise Combination of Isotonic (COI)in_ID
dc.subjectLower Back Painin_ID
dc.titleThe Effect Combination of Isotonic Exercise and Education for Lower Back Pain Relief for Laundry Workers in Pabelan Villagein_ID

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