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dc.description.abstractThis study aims to fi nd out the factors infl uence on the language shift of Wotunese. This study was carried out in two villages namely Lampenai Village and Bawalipu Village, Wotu District, East Luwu Regency. The method used was fi eld survey by distributing questionnaire, interviewing and direct observation for 400 Wotunese, interview the informant sample comprised 400 males and females of Wotunese who live in Wotu area at least 10 years. Their ages are around 10 up to 50 years old. The results show that the determinant factors infl uence signifi cantly on language shift of Wotunese are age, mobilization, bilingualism and language attitude. Then, the government and the wotunese should do some real actions to save Wotu language from the death language phenomenon.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM UMSin_ID
dc.subjectLanguage shiftin_ID
dc.subjectDeterminant Factorsin_ID
dc.titleInfluenced Factors Towards The Language Shift Phenomenon Of Wotunesein_ID

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