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dc.contributor.authorHapsari, Atikah
dc.contributor.authorAsti, Dhinar
dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Ria
dc.contributor.authorKumalla, Novea
dc.contributor.authorSuhendi, Andi
dc.identifier.citationDewi D., 2012, Prosedur Tetap Uji Sitotoksik Metode MTT, Yogyakarta. Emilia O., 2010, Bebas ancaman kanker serviks, Media pressindo, Yogyakarta. Ferrari M., Fornasiero C.M. and Isetta A.M., 1990, MTT Coloricmetric Assay For Testing Macrophage Cytotoxic Activity in Vitro, Journal of Immunological Methods, 131, 165–172. Gale D., 2000, Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan Onkologi, EGC, Jakarta. Hariana A., 2008, Tumbuhan Obat dan Khasiatnya, Cetakan Ke., Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta. Rasjidi I., 2009, Epidemiologi Kanker Serviks, Cancer, III (3), 103–108. Rungrojtrakool P., Siripong P., Yahuafai J., Chuakul W. and Temsiririrkkul R., 2012, Antiproliferative Activity against Various Cancer Cells and Phytochemical Components of Thai Herbal Formula, Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 39 (2), 7–14. Talib W.H. and Mahasneh A.M., 2010, Antiproliferative activity of plant extracts used against cancer in traditional medicine, Scientia Pharmaceutica, 78 (1), 33–45. Tambunan W.G., 1995, Diagnosa dan Tatalaksana Sepuluh Jenis Kanker Terbanyak di Indonesia, Penerbit P.T Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.in_ID
dc.description.abstractCervical cancer is the leading cause of death in women in the world. Cases of cervical cancer are the majority causes of death occurring in developing countries. The existing medicines which have a lot of functions as anticancer, however, still can damage the normal cells in our body. Cancer treatment using chemotherapy also has some side effects. The condition encourages researchers to explore anticancer cure made of natural ingredient. This research was conducted to find the potency of ethanol extract of herb kitolod (Isotoma longiflora (L) Presl.) as a cervical cancer cure to heLa cell. The method being used for the cytotoxic test on HeLa cells was MTT assay. Absorbant performed by ELISA reader at a wavelength of 595nm. Phytochemical screening which had been conducted showed a significant result that kitolod plants contain secondary metabolites compounds such as flavonoids, steroids, saponins, tannins and alkaloids. The results of cytotoxic test of the kitolod herb ethanol extract on HeLa cells by using MTT assay method acquired a value of IC50 of 227 μg/mL. This study showed that the ethanol extract of the herb kitolod had the potency to inhibit cervical cancer cells (HeLa cells) in a moderate ability.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectMTT assayin_ID
dc.subjectHeLa cellin_ID
dc.titleThe Potency of Kitolod (Isotoma longiflora (L)Presl.) Herb Extract as a Cure for Cervical Cancer an in Vitro Study of Hela Cellsin_ID

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