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dc.identifier.citationAbrams, M. H. The Mirror and the lamp: Romantic Theory and Critical Tradition. New York: Oxford University Press.1979. Auden, WH. ed. Edgar Allan Poe: Selected Prose Poetry and Eureka. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1950. Bain, Carl, eds, The Norton Introduction to Literature. Usa:W.W. Norton & Company Inc,1991. Barbour, James and Thomas Quirk, eds. Romanticism: Critical Essays in American Literature. NewYork : Garland Publishing Inc., 1986. Bauer, R., & Bost, S. (2010). Early american literature and american literary history at the "hemispheric turn"/Doing the hemisphere differently: A response to ralph bauer. Early American Literature, 45(2), 217-233,235-239,491. Retrieved from Bayn, N, L, B Holland, D, Kalston, F, Murphy, eds, The Norton Anthology of American Literature, NewYork: W.W. Norton & Company, 1979. Beers, Henry, A. A History of English Romanticismin The Eighteenth Century. New York: henry Holt & Co, 1932. Blair, Walter, Theodore Hornberger and Randall Steward. The Literature of The United States. NewYork: Scoot Forresman Company. 1949. Brandley, Sculley, Richmond Crom Beattyand E Hudson. The American Tradition Literature. NewYork W. W. Norton and Company Inc. 1949. Carlson,Eric W. ed. The Recognition of Edgar Allan Poe: Selected Criticism Since 1829. Michigan: the University of Michigan Press, 1970. Foerster, Norman, and Robert Falk, eds. American Poetry and Prose. Hadimaja, Aoh K. Aliran-aliran Klasik, Romantik, dan Realisme dalam Kesusasteraan. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya, 1972. Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. New York:Little Brown & Company, 1954. Lawrence,D.H. Studies in Classic American Literature. New York Doubleday & Company Inc, 1952. McMichel, George. Anthology of American Literature (Colonial through Romantic). New York: Mac Millan Publishing Company Inc.,1974. Michael, George Mc. Concise Anthology of American Literature 1865-1914. New York: Prentis Hall Inc. 1967. Morris, William, ed. The American Heritage Dictionary of English Language. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1981. Pepper, C Stepen. The Basis of Critism in The Arts. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1945. Pithman, Stepen. The Annotated Tales of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Crown Publisher Inc.,1986. Ratna, Nyoman Kutha. Metodologi Penelitian: Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, Oktober, 2010. Runnes, Dagobert D. Dictionary of Philosophy. Totowa, N.J.Littlefield. Adam and Co, 1979. Shields, D. S. (2015). On the circumstances surrounding the creation of early american literature. Early American Literature, 50(1), 21-40,298. Retrieved from Smith, Henry Nash, eds “Can American Studies Develop A Method” In Studies in American Culture: Dominant Ideas & Images. Joseph J. Kwit and Mary C Turphy, Minnepolis University of Minnesota Press, 1960. Spiller, E Robert et al. Literary History Of The United States. New York : Macmillan Publishing CO, Inc, 1975. // www. Clifnotes. Com/wiley cda/lit note/id.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe research was an attempt to “describe” Poe’s perspective of beauty reflected in “Ligeia”, a short story. This study used American Studies theory that was the reconciliation of time (past, present, future), of space and of academic discipline that were philosophical, historical, and literary approaches. The literary approach used, in this case, was the expressive one. The method applied in this study was analytical descriptive that utilized library research and concentrated the attention on reference sources related to the topic discussed. The result of the study showed that romantic ideas influenced the American society. The most striking ones were the freedom, individualism and equality. Individualism and freedom made Poe’s literary works that in a way can be categorized as classic and in another way, romantic. They were different from the others. This study proved that Poe’s perspective of beauty was that the well designed poem or prose creates the pleasure of totality of beauty. Beauty is the sole legitimate province of the poem. The beauty must be able to elevate soul. It can be found from the contemplation of the beautiful. The study also showed that “Ligeia” reflects the beauty of knowledge.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.titlePoe’s Perspective of Beauty as Reflected In “Ligeia”in_ID

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