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dc.contributor.authorMuarifah, Alif
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dc.description.abstractMorality does not only function as measurement of collective life in structural way, but also becomes a very important and fundamental human need. Moral is a harmony among the mind, emotion and action based on legal normative of society. Therefore, through moral behavior, it significantly has the responsibility and high social level in life. The purpose of value internalization in children is to help them to have the ability to consider moral behavior as well as able to provide a reason when selecting values. Early moral value internalization will lead the quality of their moral behavior into happiness and meaningfulness of life in the future. Internalizing moral values that will form the moral behavior is not a genetic factor, but they are formed through a long learning process following the children development. One of them is through social cognitive learning, which involves role modeling, identification and human interaction. The behavior that is formed as a result of the interaction of each factor’s role on a reciprocal determinism. Observation will affect the development of thinking in improving expectations about what is seen and will be imitated as a model. If the role model does not follow the psychological condition of the child, the imitative behavior is not likely to happen. Imitation or modeling is "the direct, mechanical reproduction of behavior”. It is a process of reproductive behavior which is directly and mechanically formed, where modeling serves as response facilitation, disinhibition and observational learning. By using social cognitive learning approach, the internalization of moral values will be understood by the children thereby forming their moral behavior. If moral behavior properly developed, the character of the nation will be formed, which leads to a strong and dignified nation.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectMoral values Internalizationin_ID
dc.subjectCognitive social learningin_ID
dc.titlePenanaman Nilai Moral Anak Usia Dini Melalui Pendekatan Cognitive Social Learningin_ID

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