Berpikir Analogis Siswa SMP Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematika Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Matematika
This study is aimed to obtain a description of analogical thinking students in solving the
mathematical problems in terms of mathematical abilities. This research used a qualitative descriptive design.
Researchers chose three subjects, which consist of one student from each group mathematical skills: those are
from high, medium, and low level. Researchers developed two mathematical analogy problems, each of its
which consists of the target resource issues and problems. As a result, analogical thinking mathematical
ability of thr students from high, medium and low level in solving mathematical problems is to identify the
known information, the questioned information, and additional information on the issue of the source and the
target problem. Known information and additional information on the source of the problem is used to solve
the problem of resources and build structures relational source problem resolution. Students mapped the
relational structure of the problem source solving to the target. Mapping procedures that is done by students is
to map the mathematical concepts that are in mutual accord from the problem source to the target problem.
The relational structure problem solving resources structure adapted into a target problem solving and applied
to solve the problem of the target.