Penumbuhan Budi Pekerti Melalui Gerakan Literasi Sekolah
Developing character is an activity of habituation of positive attitude and behavior at
school that starts gradually from basic education to higher education. One of the habituation is in
connection with school literacy movement that is a mandatory activity to use 15 minutes prior to the
day of learning to read books other than textbooks (every day). School literacy movement
(GerakanLiterasiSekolah/ GLS) policy is closely linked to literacy as a basic component of formation of
qualified, productive and competitive human resources, possessing good character, and nationalism.
There are three stages in the implementation of GLS, namely habituation of fun reading activities at
school environment; development of reading interest to improve the literacy skills; and implementation
of literacy-based learning. The GLS program can create a literate school ecosystem and cultivate
learners’ character.