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dc.contributor.authorAprilia, Nani
dc.identifier.citationArifin, Zainal. 2013. Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Bandung : PT Remaja Rosdakarya Anonim. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003. Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Jakarta Anderson,L.W.&D.R.Krathwohl. 2010. Kerangka Landasan untuk Pembelajaran, Pengajaran, dan Asesmen. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Areola, R. A, & L.M.Aleamoni. 1998. Writing Learning Objectives. Memphis: The University of Tenessee. McLoughlin, J.A. & R.B.Lewis. 1981. Assessing Special Students. Ohio: Bell & Howell Company. Mukhtar & Iskandar. 2010. Desain Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Sebuah Orientasi Baru). Jakarta: Gaung Persana Press. Nasution. 2005. Teknologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Nurhadi, M.A. 1993. Administrasi Pendidikan di Sekolah. Yogykarta: IKIP Yogyakarta. Stiggins, R.J. 2001. Student-Involved Classroom Assessment, 3rd Edition. Columbus, OH: Merrill, an Imprint of Prentice Hall. Suharsimi, Arikunto. 2011. Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Sukmadinata, S, N & Ibrahim, R. 2010. Perencanaan Pengajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Walvoord,B.E. & V. J. Anderson. 1998. Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment. San Francisco: JosseyBass.in_ID
dc.description.abstractImplementation of learning must have a benchmark in determining the achievement of a learning outlined in the indicators of learning and learning objectives, and will be used as reference to create instruments that can be accounted for. The instrument can measuring a competence of learners after following the lecture must be instruments that are of good quality. This study aims to determine the suitability of the summative evaluation instruments (Final Exam Semester) for cognitive learning in course of evaluationprocess odd semester academic year 2014/ 2015 at biology education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Ahmad Dahlan University. This research is descriptive research. The object of this study is the lesson plan the course evaluation process and results of learning biology in odd semester academic year 2014/2015.The data collected from this study were analyzed using descriptive analysis with percentage data. Based on the analysis of 15 cognitive learning objectives that are arranged in 30 items, 63.33% are categorized according to the cognitive learning objectives, and 36.67% are not in accordance with the purpose of learning in the cognitive evaluation instruments.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectcognitive learning objectivesin_ID
dc.subjectsummative evaluation instrumentsin_ID
dc.subjectprocess evaluationin_ID
dc.subjectbiology learning outcomesin_ID
dc.titleAnalisis Kesesuian Instrumen Sumatif Dengan Tujuan Kognitif Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Evaluasi Proses dan Hasil Belajar di Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Ahmad Dahlanin_ID

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