Building The Character of Entrepreneurship For Pre-School Students Through Science
The character of entrepreneurship is considered as a symbol of characteristic that
possesses personal power in confronting the world‟s challenges. One possessing entrepreneurship
character, according to Tamara (2002), is included into 10-C‟s formula: (1) Commitment, (2)
Confidence, (3) Cooperative, (4) Care, (5) Creative, (6) Challenge, (7) Calculation, (8)
Communications, (9) Competitiveness, and (10) Change. Building such characters of entrepreneurship
can be inculcated and developed through the process of learning, both in family and school
The education of entrepreneurship can be implemented since early childhood through introductory
phase, but by no means of making the children as executors. Building the characters of entrepreneurship
on early children focuses more on how to build the traits and independent character, as well as
responsibility through entrepreneurship education both theoretically and practically, also concrete
examples for the mental establishment needs time and long process.
The process of learning science is able to play a role in developing the character of entrepreneur
through the application of grand design learning. Building character of entrepreneurship can be sprout
up through learning science because the learning process trains the students to find and accomplish
problems identified in surrounding environment, which in turn it can establish students‟ scientific
attitudes. These scientific attitudes are able to support the entire characteristics of an entrepreneur.