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dc.contributor.authorArif, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorJaunita, Tota
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dc.description.abstractEconomic development always involves human resources as one of the important actors in development, therefore the number of population in a country is a key element in the development, and on the other hand the mismacth between jobs and human population will cause the unemployment problem that could burden the state budget. This study aims to determine the spatial concentration of labor of Large and Medium Industries (IBM) in Central Java, at this stage, research carried out by Geographic Information System method, the result is, the highest workforce concentration in large and medium industries sector in Central Java located in the District Semarang and Semarang City, as well as in the Kudus District. This result strengthened by the Moran analysis that explains there is found spatial autocorrelation of labor in large and medium industrial sector in Central Java Province. The second objective of this research was to determine the factors that affect labor concentration of large and medium industry in Central Java. At this stage, the research results show that the Pooled Fixed Effects Model (FEM) is a best model to determine Labor absorbtion in Central Java. Based on validity test, variable wage and investment has no significant effect on employment, while the value of output and the number of business unit’s has positive significant effect on employment.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectspatial concentrationin_ID
dc.subjectLarge and Medium Industries (IBM)in_ID
dc.subjectGeographic Information Systemin_ID
dc.subjectMoran analysisin_ID
dc.subjectPooled datain_ID
dc.subjectFixed Effects Model (FEM)in_ID
dc.titleKonsentrasi Spasial Tenaga Kerja Sektor Industri Besar Menengah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinyain_ID

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