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dc.contributor.authorAnif, Sofyan
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dc.description.abstractThe biological teachers at Surakarta who have passed from the 2014 certification amount to 332 people. Based on the 2014 competent test by the central development of Human Resources and Educational Quality Assurance Unit, however, the certification program has insignificantly increased the teachers’ competency and profession so that it has not positively influenced the increase of the teachers’ performance. The Association of Biological Course Teachers (MGMP) is a biological teacher forum that serves as a strategic discussion and training pool for increasing the teachers’ profession as a professional teacher. The research aims to (1) describe a mechanism of the activities in increasing the professional competency of the biological teachers in the post-certification through the biological MGMP, and (2) identify the characteristics of the program and activities by the biological MGMP, comprising instructional materials, effects, problems, and their solutions. The research employed a survey, and the instruments used the questionnaires. The respondents or informants included the heads of Central Java LPMP and Regional Educational Agency, Principals, Committees of Biological MGMP, and biological teachers. It applied a sampling purposive technique. The data covered the primary and secondary and the data analysis employed a descriptive-qualitative technique. The results of the research show that the model for increasing the professional competency of the Surakarta biological teachers through the activities and program of the MGP used the following mechanisms: (1) Biological MKKS or MGMP’s coordinator held a working meeting for organizing a working program and activity; (2) the MKKS/ MGMP’s coordinator validated the program and activity in forthcoming one year; (3) the MGMP’s coordinator and committees determined the sources of activity; (4) the committees ran a need-based activity; (5) the coordinator and committees evaluated to explore feedback for program and activity in the forthcoming on year. In terms of the characteristics of the MGMP’s activities based on the sequence of activity priority, the results of the study show (1) the discussion of SKL (Graduation Competency Standard), (2) discussion of semester-final test questions, National Examination Try out, previous National Examination analysis, (3) making students’ work books, (4) making instructional materials, (5) making lesson plan, (6) discussion of wider instructional materials, (7) discussion of wider lab instructional materials, (8) class-action research workshop, and (9) incidental materials. In terms of the effects or teachers’ works after the MGMP’s activities, the results of the study show (1) the semester-final test questions, National Examination try out and SKL at 45%, (2) syllabi and lesson plan at 39%; (3) learning method and evaluation instrument at 10%; (4) PTK proposal at 5%; and instructional materials at 2%. Regarding the problems, the results of the study indicate (1) wider discussion, (2) structured and sustainable programs, (3) keynote speakers, (4) no supervision and training, teachers’ awareness. Regarding the solution to the problems, the results of the study show (1) discussion of wider biological learning, (2) discussion of wider lab materials; (3) collaboration with higher education, (4) follow up of class-action research, (5) structured and sustainable working program and activity, and (6) top-bottom supervision and training.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectprofessional competencyin_ID
dc.subjectbiological teachersin_ID
dc.subjectbiological MGMPin_ID

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