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dc.contributor.authorAminah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorMeikawati, Wulandari
dc.identifier.citationAlmatsier, S. (2001). Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi. Jakarta: Gramedia. AOAC, A. of O. A. C. (2005). Official Methods of Analysis of the Associaton of Official Analytical Chemist. (14th ed.). Airlington Virginia: AOAC inc. Clunies. M, Parks, D., & S. Lesson. (1992). Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism and Egg Shell Formation of Hens Fed Different Amounts of Calcium.Poultry Science, 71, 482– 489. Dinas Peternakan. (2015). Produksi Telur Ayam Ras Petelur Menurut Provinsi Layer Egg Production by Province , 2011 - 2015 (Vol. 2015). Maulana, F. (2016). Produksi Telur Ayam Ras di Indonesia Tahun 2010-2014 Selalu Meningkat. Retrieved from Meikawati, W., & Suyanto, A. (2014). Uji Organoleptik Tepung dan Brownies Berbahan Dasar Tepung MOCAF (Modified Cassava Flour) Terfortifikasi Kalsium Dari Cangkang Telur Ayam RasProsiding Seminar Nasional Hasil- hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian. Menkes. (2013). Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan 75-2013. Retrieved from akan Gizi/PMK 75-2013 MZ, I., Lamberg-Allardt, C, K. M., & SMK, A. (2003). Dietary calcium intake in premenopausal Bangladeshi women: do socioeconomic or physiological factors play a role. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57, 674–680. Peacock, M. (2010). Calcium Metabolism in Health and Disease. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 5, 23–30. Peternakan, D. (2015). Produksi Telur Itik Menurut Provinsi Duck Egg Production by Province , 2011 - 2015 (Vol. 2015). Puspitasari, I. (2009). Karakteristik Hasil Ekstraksi Cangkang Telur dengan Pelarut Asam Asetat(CH3COOH), 3–5. Rahmawati, W. A., & Nisa, F. C. (2015). Fortifikasi Kalsium Cangkang Telur Pada Pembuatan Cookies (Kajian Konsentrasi TEpung Cangkang TElur dan Baking Powder (3), 1050–1060. Ramelan, A., & Parnanto, N. H. R. (1996). Fisika Pertanian. UNS Press. Tatang. (2015). Komposisi Senyawa Kimia dalam Cangkang Telur Ayam. Retrieved from i-senyawa-kimia-dalam-cangkang-telur- ayam.htmlin_ID
dc.description.abstractPoultry eggshells are potential as a source of calcium that can be used to increase the calcium content of food products. One method to optimize the calcium content of eggshells is using acetic acid. This study aims to determine the calcium content and yield of poultry eggshell flour (duck, broiler, and domestic chicken) which were extracted with acetic acid. The result showed that, in general, the calcium content of eggshell flour, which was extracted with acetic acid, is higher than the control (aquades). The calcium contents of eggshell flour which were extracted with acetic acid, sequentially from the highest to lowest, are: domestic chicken eggshells (25.73%); duck eggshells (23.67%); quail eggshells (21, 7%); broiler eggshells (20.67%). The result of the yield calculation showed that yield of the eggshell flour which were extracted with acetic acid is lower than the control. The highest yield was broiler eggshells in control, 92.6% and quail eggshells in extraction treatment, 88.25%.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.titleCalcium Content And Flour Yield of Poultry Eggshell With Acetic Acid Extractionin_ID

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