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dc.contributor.authorHendrawan, Muhammad Alfatih
dc.contributor.authorPutro, Pramuko Ilmu Purbo
dc.identifier.citationAzmi, M. Alfian Nurul, (2013) “ Perbandingan Kualitas Karet Peredam (Rubber Bhushing) Produk Pasaran Dengan Buatan Sendiri”. Naskah Publikasi ums. Garda pengetahuan. 2012. Penegrtian Dan Rumus Gaya Gesekan Statis Dan Kinetis. Diakses dari: http://garda- gertian-dan-rumus-gaya-gesekan.html Hendarto, Riki, D 200 080 063 (2014) “ PengaruhKomposisi Kompon Ban pada Koefisien Grip dengan Lintasan Semen”. Diakses dari : Nasution, Yunus Nasitution, ( 2006) “ Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel dan Berat Sekam Padi Sebagai Bahan Pengisi Terhadap Sifat Kuat Sobek, Kekerasan dan Ketahanan Abrasi Kompon”. Diakses dari : Riyadhi, A. 2008.Vulkanisasi karet. Di akses tanggal 5 setember 2015 jam 20.00 dari: http://www.chem-is- material/vulkanisasi karet Setyowati, peni, Dkk.2004. Karakteristik Karet Ebonit Yang Dibuat Dengan Berbagai Variasi Rasio RSS1/Riklim dan Jumlah Belerang. Jurnal, Majalah Kulit, Karet dan Plastik vol. 20. Yogyakarta. Wikipedia. 2016. Sejarah Perkembangan Pembuatan Ban. Diakse Dari: Zuhra Fatimah, C. 2006. Karet . Karya Ilmiah: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sumatra Utara.in_ID
dc.description.abstractTires are an important part of vehicle. It works by utilizing frictional forces between the tire surface and the road surface which is often called a grip. Many factors affect coefficient of grip, quality of compound and pattern of tire is two of them. This study aims to determine how much influence black carbon, sulfur and the pattern to the coefficient of grip whether in dry and wet track. The materials are used to make the compound is natural rubber (RSS) and synthetic rubber mixed with chemicals carbon black, white oil, ZnO, stearic acid, paraffin wax, MBTS, coumarone resin and sulfur. These are mixed using two roll mixing up blended and sheet forming compound. To determine the length of the ripening process is done by rheometer rubber. The next process of vulcanization of rubber using mold press with a temperature of 130 0 2) C. Pattern of the mold had been formed to be 3 types; circle, curve and cross. Then, tensile strength and Shore A hardness are tested on specimen of the rubber. Additionally, grip test is conducted on load 16.2 kilogram in 30 minutes. Based on the tests performed, the addition of black carbon and sulfur influence on the coefficient of grip, compound tensile strength values, and wear rate of the tire compound. For the coefficient of grip on compound 1 with black carbon and sulfur composition of 50/3 phr had the highest grip coefficient of 0.716, while the compound 3 with a composition of black carbon and sulfur phr 60/4 has the lowest coefficient is 0.696 grip on the concrete track dry conditions and loading of 16.2 kg. Additionally, it is recommended that cross pattern had been chosen to design of tire. It achieves highest coefficient of grip and lowest wear rate in different compound.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectblack carbonin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Tipe Batikan Ban Terhadap Koefisien Grip Ban Pada Lintasan Jalan Betonin_ID

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