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dc.contributor.authorIlfiana, Nilna
dc.contributor.authorNurlaela, Emi
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dc.description.abstractStroke is the second leading cause of death in the world and affect disability.The stroke rate in Pekalongan increases every year, since 2013 there are 98 patients, 2014 are 274 patients, and in 2015 there are 302 patients. Regular health check-up could prevent this condition. Preliminary study showsthat most of stroke patients (60%)were not adherent to undergo check-up. One of social support is healthcare provider empowerment to solve the stroke patients problems. Thestudyaimed to determine the relationship between social support and the compliance of follow-up health check-up among stroke patients in Wonopringgo Community Health Center Pekalongan. Descriptive correlation was applied with cross sectional approach. Total sampling technique was used to obtain study participants. There are 40 patientswho met inclusion criteria and agree to join in this study.Data were collected by using a questionnaire that was tested for validity. The results shows that 17 respondents (42.5%) were lack of social support and more than half (57.5%) of respondents were not adherent to follow-up in health check-up. There is a significant relationship between social support andfollow-up health check-upadherence among stroke patients with ρ value = 0.016. Enhancement in social support by healthcare provider could improve stroke patients‘ compliance in follow-up healthcheck-up.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectSocial Supportin_ID
dc.subjectCompliance and Stroke Health Checkin_ID
dc.titleThe Relationshipof Social Support and the Adherenceof Follow-up HealthcareAmongStroke Patients In Wonopringgo Community Health Center Pekalonganin_ID

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