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dc.contributor.authorSriadi Pinilih, Sambodo
dc.contributor.authorTri Astuti, Retna
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dc.description.abstractBackground: Children who are included in the primary school age are generally still in the process of development that took place in the aspect of physical, emotional, intellectual and social. In this stage of its development the children often experience obstacles or perform behaviors that harm themselves and also in the environment around them. Such behavior is called aggressive behavior experienced by school- age children. Aggressiveness is the need to attack or injure someone to belittle, harm, disrupt, and damage. Aggresive behavior that occurs in shool-age children who performed continuous without the supervision of family then the behavior will cause a greater impact. Aggresive behavior can be reduced by providing punishment and replies, reduce frustration and displacement and katartis. The application of reduction frustration assortment of one complementary therapies that can be used as an alternative school is hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy (water therapy) is a therapeutic method uses water to alleviate the condition of the body with lowtech approach that relies on the body’s responses to water. One of the benefits of hydrotherapy that blood circulation so that the felling of being relaxed.Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of hydrotherapy with the aggressiveness at school age. Methods: The research method used Quasy Experiment . This study used a design pretest - posttest with control group. The samples in this study used Stratified Random Sampling. Results: It was found that the aggressiveness of the highest in the intervention group and the control group were in the verbal aspect aggression.Conclusion: It was found that hydrotherapy effect on aggressiveness in verbal aspects and anger with p value <0.05. Suggestion : It is expected for the next researcher to examine the factors that cause aggressiveness in school-age students more thoroughly.in_ID
dc.publisherSTIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajanganin_ID
dc.subjectschool agein_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Hidroterapi Menurunkan Agresivitas Pada Anak Usia Sekolah Di Sd Negeri Kota Magelangin_ID

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