Menghasilkan Produk Sesuai Keinginan Konsumen dengan Conjoint Analysis (Kasus di CV. Puspita Sari Karanganyar)
The purpose of the study is to develop a product which is suitable with consumer's preference. The product is commensurate with consumer's need, the level of attribute, composition, as well as the type and characteristics of the product.
The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, which have been tested for its validity and reliability. The questionnaire was used to gather some data about consumer's preferences. Finally, a conjoint analysis was conducted to determine the strategies needed by the company in order to produce a suitable product. Conjoint analysis is able to determine the level of relative necessity of each factors based on consumer's perception.
Based on the conjoint analysis of the data, it was obtained that the preferred characteristics of a tile product are its shape, pattern, price and thickness, with the relative importance of 28.26%, 27.26 %, 23.88 %, and 20.60 %, respectively. Meanwhile, the necessary characteristics of a paving block are its dimension in relation to the level of utility (35.29 %), surface (29.42 %), price (23.53 %), and shape (11.76 %).
Overall, the preferred tile products has the dimension of 30 x 30 em wide and a thickness of 2 em, patterned surface, and cost between Rp 13.000 - 15.0001 m', Meanwhile, the preferred paving block product is 20 x 20 x 5 em wide with thickness of 5 em, colored, and cost between Rp 14.000 - 17. 000/~.