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dc.description.abstract | PT. XYZ is a new company focused on plastic waste recycling. This company has only through
the income statement are used as guidelines to determine whether an increase or a decrease in
productivity The level of productivity of the company need to be known for planningproductivity improvements the future. The purpose of this research is to know the level of
productivity, the relation between productivity index, profitability index, and the index of price
improvement, and necessary actions to increase company productivity. Productivity
measurement can be seen in the company's financial data then calculated by prasial
productivity calculation, total productivity by APC (American productivity Center) calculation,
and fishbone diagrams. APC methode which consider measure of physical and although financial. The result of this study shows the level of productivity of the company has increased,
in 2013(base periode) is 100%, in 2014 is 101,310% and 2015 is 101,580%. The productivity
index increases with the increase of price improvements index and affects the profitability
index. Increasing the material productivity and the labor productivity is necessary to increase
productivity of the.company. | in_ID |