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dc.contributor.authorNumrapi, Tiwi
dc.contributor.authorCahyani, Vellim Dina
dc.contributor.authorZulaekah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Listyani
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dc.description.abstractGirls will pregnancy when married, so they have an important role in breaking the cycle of stunting. Decreasing of immune function can lead to girls’s body more susceptible to disease infection. Infectious diseases are health problems that result in reduced appetite, afterward food intake is not sufficient, subsequently leading to stunting. Insufficient intake will be used to restore the beginning condition of the body before infected. PHBS (Clean’s Behavior and Health) has an important role in the prevention of infectious diseases, thus indirectly can break the cycle of stunting in girls. This study aims to determine the difference of helminth infections, ARI and PHBS in stunting and non-stunting’s girls in SMP Negeri 1 Nguter. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional design. The sample was selected by simple random sampling that included in inclusion criteria is 80 students. Helminth infection collected by testing stool with direct method in the laboratory, ARI and PHBS obtained through interviews with respondents, height was measured using microtoice and analyzed using WHO Anthro Plus. Chi Square and Fisher’s Exact analysis done to see the differrence of helminth infections, ARI and PHBS with the incidence of stunting. Based on the research results are processed with SPSS V.17 there is no significant difference between helminth infections (P = 0.531), ARI (P = 0.758) and PHBS (P = 0.112) with the incidence of stunting. The conclusion was there is no difference between a helminth infection, ARI and PHBS in stunting and non-stunting’s girls in SMP Negeri 1 Nguterin_ID
dc.publisherProdi Ilmu Gizi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjecthelminth infectionin_ID
dc.titleInfeksi Cacing, Ispa, dan Phbs pada Remaja Putri Stunting dan Non-Stunting di SMP Negeri 1 Nguter Kabupaten Sukoharjoin_ID

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