Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Biji Nangka pada Pembuatan Cookies Ditinjau dari Kekerasan dan Daya Terima
Background: In 2013 recorded 13,4% of the Indonesia population consume processed food
from flour, one of which is cookies ≥ 1 per day. Dependence on wheat flour will health effects,
because gluten of protein found in wheat flour that causes celiac desease. Effort to reduce
consumption of wheat flour is the utilization of jackfruit seed flour as a substituent. The jackfruit
seed flour per 100g contains high crude fiber (13,27g) and phosphorus (467mg) that ere affect
to hardness cookies.
Purpose: The purpose of the research was to determine the hardness and acceptability of
cookies substituted jackfruit seed flour.
Methods : The research used experimental method with a completely randomized design used 4
treatments (0%, 10%, 20%, dan 30%). Statistical analysis hardness values used one way Anova
test with significance level of 95% and continued by Duncan test, whereas statictical analysis
acceptability used Kruskall Wallis test.
Results: Substitution of 30% gives the highest hardness on cookies (8,81N), and substitution 0%
gives the lowest hardness on cookies (3,30N). Substitution most panelists prefers the cookies
substituted jackfruit seed flour 30% and followed by the substitution of 20%.
Conclutition: There is effect a substitution jackfruit seed flour to cookies hardness, aroma and
overall acceptability. But no effect a substitution jackfruit seed flour to colour, taste, and texture
acceptability of cookies.