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dc.contributor.authorSetijaningrum, Endah
dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Listyani
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dc.description.abstractWorld Health Organization (WHO) recommends breast milk should be given to infants at least until the age of 6 months without any additional liquids such as milk formula, water, orange juice, or other supplementary foods and can be continued up to two years. Based of percentage of the results of survey from Demographic and Indonesian Health in 2007, mother who gave exclusive breast milk to 0-6 months infants only 32% and showed a significant increase in 2012 to 42%. While according to the results of Susenas Survey 2013, that was 54.3%. The scope of exclusive breast feeding at Getasan Health Center in 2013 was 41.6% and 42.8% in 2014. This number is still far from the target, which was 80%. The general purpose to determine the difference of family support and mother’s kowledge at breast feeding between mother who gives exclusive and non exclusive breast feeding at Getasan Health Center Semarang Regency. The methode the quantitative research using cross sectional approach with the number of respondents was 70 chosen by simple random sampling technique. The data of family support and mother’s knowledge about breast feeding were obtained by interview and filling the questionaires. Independent sample t-test was used to analyze the data of family support and Mann Whitney was used to analyze data of mother’s knowledge. The result most of the mothers (61.8%) who got good family support gave exclusive breast feeding to infants, while only 38.9% of mothers who got less family support gave exclusive breast feeding. Meanwhile, the percentage of mothers with good knowledge who gave exclusive breast feeding was 59.6% and the percentage of mothers with less knowledge who did not give exclusive breast feeding was 69.6%. The conclusion it was found that there was a difference of family support between mothers who gave exclusive and non exclusive breast milk (p=0.03) and there was no difference of mother’s knowledge about breast milk between mothers who gave exclusive and non exclusive breast milk (p=0.061)in_ID
dc.publisherProdi Ilmu Gizi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectBreast Feedingin_ID
dc.subjectFamily Supportin_ID
dc.subjectMothers Knowledgein_ID
dc.titlePerbedaan Dukungan Keluarga dan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Asi antara Ibu yang Memberi Asi Eksklusif dan Non Eksklusif di Wilayah Puskesmas Getasan Kabupaten Semarangin_ID

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