Gambaran Hygiene Sanitasi Penjaja Makanan dan Jumlah Total Mikrobia pada Jajanan Anak Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Gondomanan dan Mergangsan Kota Yogyakarta
Snack food is food sold by street vendors in the streets and other public places for direct
consumption without further processing or preparation. Poor hygiene habits increase the
likelihood of direct contamination food. Unsafe food is the cause of the disease in the group of
children under five years old (toddlers), children, adolescents, and the elderly. The objective
of this research is to know the description of sanitary hygiene of food vendors and the total
number of microbial on elementary school snacks in elementary school Gondomanan and
Mergangsan district of Yogyakarta city. This research is observational research with cross
sectional approach. Data were presented in tables and analyzed descriptively. The sample
consisted of 12 snacks and 12 food vendors from 2 districts. Research on the total number
of microbes performed in microbiology laboratories Health Laboratory Yogyakarta Special
Region by the method Total Plate Count (TPC) with repetition 2 times and sanitation hygiene
practice was observed based on a questionnaire. The result is total of 25% samples of food sold
in the cafeteria is not safe and 75% others are safe. A total of 50% samples of foods sold outside
the school environment are safe and 50% other are not safe. Hygiene sanitation of the entire
food sellers who sell in the cafeteria is already adequate, 87,5% sellers outside the school has
not practiced good hygiene and sanitation. The conclusion is there are samples of snacks in
the cafeteria unsafe even though the food vendors are already doing good hygiene sanitation.
Not all snack foods sold outside of the school environment are not safe although there are food
vendors are not doing hygiene sanitation as well as food vendors in the cafeteria.