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dc.contributor.authorUmagapi, Fitria
dc.contributor.authorPurwani, Eni
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dc.description.abstractJackfruit seeds is a waste of jackfruit which contains phosphorus and calcium were higher than durian seed. Utilization jackfruit seeds in the food sector is still low at around 10%, jackfruit seeds has been limited to be used by the public is to be boiled, roasted, fried and steamed. Jackfruit seeds can be processed into food products in between chips. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of boiling time the calsium content, crispness and acceptability of chips jackfruit seeds. The research was experimental method with a completely randomized design using four treatments (25, 30, 35 and 40 minute). The statistical analysis of calsium content and cripness using one Way ANOVA and acceptance value using kruskal wallis test because abnormal data with significant level of 95% and continued by DMRT. The result ANOVA calsium content of chips jackfruit seeds (ρ value =0,023<0,05), there is influence of boiling time jackfruit seed on calsium content of chips jackfruit seeds. The high cripness is boiling time 40 minute with average (35,05) and the lowest boiling time 25 minute with average (8,49). The result of ANOVA cripness chips jackfruit seeds (ρ value =0,000<0,05), there is influence of boiling time jackfruit seed on crispness of chips jackfruit seeds the most panelist prefer chips jackfruit seeds with the boiling time 40 minute with average 4,90 and unceptability boiling time 25 minute with average 3,23. There is an influence of boiling time the calsium content, crispness and acceptability of chips jackfruit seeds.in_ID
dc.publisherProdi Ilmu Gizi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectJackfruit seedsin_ID
dc.subjectCalsium Contentsin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Lama Perebusan Biji Nangka (Atrocarpus Herephyllus Lamk) Terhadap Kadar Kalsium, Kerenyahan, dan Daya Terima Keripik Biji Nangkain_ID

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