Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Faktor Resiko Anemia Pada Siswi Pondok Pesantren 

      Astuti, Rahayu; Rosidi, Ali (LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, 2015-11)
      The finding of several studies in Indonesia show that the anemia prevalence of adolescents remained high. Anemia on adolescents living in boarding schools showed a higher prevalence. The aim of the study analyzed risk ...
    • Promosi Kesehatan, Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Di Pondok Pesantren 

      Astuti, Rahayu; Mifbakhuddin, Mifbakhuddin; Nurullita, Ulfa; Dyah Larasaty, Nurina; Bima Prasetio, Diki (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      School/boarding school has an important role to instill healthy hygiene practices on children, because children spend more time in their daily life at school or boarding school. The purpose of this study was to describe ...
    • Riwayat Pajanan Pestisida sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Abortus Spontan (Studi Pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Sidamulya Kabupaten Brebes) 

      Rahayu, Ayu; Astuti, Rahayu; Sayono, Sayono (LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, 2015-08)
      Background: The prevalence of abortion in Iran in 2014 reached 45.7% of the 2,470 pregnant women. Abortion among farmers exposed to pesticides as much as 9%. Pesticide exposure in pregnant women can cause thyroid dysfunction ...