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dc.contributor.authorPuspitasari, Nia Budi
dc.contributor.authorPrihapsari, Adinda Putri
dc.identifier.citationAhyari, Agus. 2002. Manajemen Produksi; Pengendalian Produksi. Edisi empat. Yogyakarta: buku dua, BPFE Assauri, Sofyan. 2004. Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi, Edisi Revisi, Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit FEUI. Ebeling, Charles. 1977. An Introdction to Reliability and Maintanability Engineering. New York: Mc Graw Hill International Book Company. Govil, A.K. 1983. Reliability Engineering. New Delhi: TATA McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. Heizer, Jay dan Barry Render. 2001. Operation Management. 6 th edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kostas, Dervitsiotis. 1981. Operation Management. 2 nd edition. New York: Mc Graw Hill International Book Company. Setiawan, F.D. 2008. Perawatan Mekanikal Mesin Produksi. Yogyakarta: Maximus.in_ID
dc.description.abstractPT. Masscom Graphy is a subsidiary of Suara Merdeka engaged in printing daily newspapers and also receive general printing such as magazines, periodicals, calendars, books and more in accordance with the order. In order to fulfill consumer demand PT. Masscom Graphy have 3 printing machines consists of Urbanite machine, Manugraph machine, and Cross Comunite machine. According to historical data, Manugraph machine has the highest number of breakdowns compared to two other machines, thus this paper will give the best recommendations among preventive maintenance policy to corrective maintenance policy for Manugraph machine. More appropriate implementation of maintenance policies is selected based on Fishbone diagram and interviews with Head Production of PT. Masscom Graphy, lack of proper maintenance policy most contribute to the high number of breakdowns for Manugraph machine. Stages used in problem solving involves determining the frequency distribution of breakdown, calculate the cost of maintenance policy, and choose an alternative policy based on the cost of maintenance for the Manugraph machines. From processing and data analyze obtained that corrective maintenance policy as appropriate maintenance policy for Manugraph machine.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectcorrective maintenancein_ID
dc.subjectManugraph Machinein_ID
dc.subjectpreventive maintenancein_ID
dc.subjectPT. Masscom Graphyin_ID
dc.titlePerbandingan Kebijakan Preventive Maintenance Dengan Corrective Maintenance Pada Mesin Manugraph PT. Masscom Graphyin_ID

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