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dc.contributor.authorNasution, Dewi Kesuma
dc.identifier.citationAP Mariotti. (2010) 5 Sustaining Students’ Reading Comprehension Feature these Five Techniques in Your Classroom to Help Students Comprehend and Learn, 46 (2). Journal of Reading 87-89 AL Lynch . (2009) Fraud Brainstorming Using Computer‐Mediated Communication: The Effects of Brainstorming Technique and Facilitation, 84 (4). AAA Journal, 1209-1232. E Carr, D Ogle (1987) KWL Plus : A Strategy for Comprehension and Summarization. Journal of Reading JSTOR, 30 (7), 626-631 KL Dugosh. (2000) Cognitive Stimulation in Brainstorming, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79 (2), 722-735 LE Miller ( 2009). Evidence - Based Instruction :a Classroom Experiment Comparing Nominal and Brainstorming Groups. Organization Management Journal, 53, 497–509 Snow, Catherine E. 2002. Reading for Understanding: Toward a Research and Development Program in Reading Comprehension. Santa Monica: RANDin_ID
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to improve the students’ reading short story ability by English department students at University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. The subjects were the second semester students of English Department. The object of this research was the process of learning to read a short story by techniques brainstorm sheet. Classroom action research was used in this research. Data collection techniques used were (1) the testing technique which included the tests to identify the intrinsic elements of retelling and (2) note techniques which included observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded as follows: (1) Mechanical sheet brainstorm learning could enhance the learning skills of students to read short stories. Improvement seen in the quality of learning was liveliness and enthusiasm of students in the study, (2) enhancement of products was always increasing the average value ob- tained from each cycle. At this stage, the value of the class average was 58.20. In the first cycle, it increased to 70.91and the second cycle rose to 85.60. So there was an increase of 14.69 viewed from the first until the second cycle.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectShort Storyin_ID
dc.subjectBrainstorm Sheet Techniquein_ID
dc.subjectClassroom Action Researchin_ID
dc.titleIncreasing The Students’ Reading Short Story Ability Through Brainstorm Sheet Techniquein_ID

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