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dc.description.abstract | Healthcare and Social Security Agency [Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS)
Kesehatan] has been assigned by the government to held health care services for all Indonesian. Since
January 1st 2014, its establishment, the implementation have had many hurdles and complaints from
patients in the operational. They complaint about the length of queuing system to receive the service,
complicated rules and procedures, and lack of socialization about the system to the society. The
purpose of this study was to describe the service quality of referenced hospital of BPJS members at
RSUD Salatiga and RS Puri Asih Salatiga. The population of this study was Salatiga’s BPJS member
using non probability sampling technique as much as 100 respondents. The technical analysis used
was using servqual method. The result showed RSUD Salatiga had low service quality based on five
dimensions (tangibles, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty). Whereas, RS Puri Asih had ideal
service quality on tangibles dimensions, while on other dimensions such as responsiveness, reliability,
assurance, and empathy had low service quality. | in_ID |