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dc.contributor.authorMangifera, Liana
dc.contributor.authorIsa, Muzakar
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dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze the organizational commitment of drivers in PT GO-JEK based on continuous, affective, and normative dimensions, and to analyze the influence of commitment to the performance of PT Gojek drivers in Surakarta Region. This research was conducted in Surakarta City and surrounding to PT GO-JEK driver. The population of this research is all PT Gojek drivers operating in Surakarta City and surrounding areas. Sampling using purposive sampling method. This study uses primary data. Primary data required are (1) organizational commitment data (continuous, affective, and normative) PT GO-JEK driver, (2) performance data of PT GO-JEK Driver. Primary data were obtained directly from the respondents at the study sites. Data collection using structured interviews. Structured interviews were conducted by direct inquiring respondents using questionnaires. This research uses quantitative descriptive and regression analysis. Based on the analysis results concluded that the performance of drivers in PT Gojek generally high. This performance is influenced by affective commitment and normative commitment that is generally of high value. The implications of the research are PT Gojek in order to maintain the commitment of its drivers. High driver commitment influences driver performance which ultimately impact on PT Gojek's performance.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.titleKomitmen dan Kinerja Driver Ojek Online di Kota Surakartain_ID

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