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dc.contributor.authorWardani, Kusuma
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dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to analyze the influence of service quality, price, facilities on customer satisfaction in the hotel Sharia solo. The sample in this research was the respondents who've come and stay at Sharia Hotel Sukoharjo. This study took a sample of people around solo that ever came to the sharia hotel. The spread of the questionnaire is not necessarily done at the hotel with a view and deliver directly to the visitors who come to the sharia hotel. The purposive random sampling of the respondents are ever visited and stayed at the Sharia Hotel Solo totaling 96 respondents. Data analysis method used is validity, reliability, normality test and test multiple linear regression analysis with T-test, F-test, and the coefficient of determination (R2). In this study, the data meet for a normal distribution. Hypothesis tests showed the quality of service, price, and the facility has a significant positive effect. In the F test showed that together with the variables of service quality, price, and facilities significantly influence purchasing decisions. The coefficient of determination (R2) is more than half, indicating that some of the independent variables studied have covered more than half of all the variables that influence the decision of consumers to use the sharia hotel.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectaccidental samplingin_ID
dc.titleCustomer Satisfaction in Sharia Hotelin_ID

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