Religious Tolerance of Christian Educational Institution In Indonesia (A Case Study of Islamic Education In Christian Schools)
Indonesia is the multicultural country that has various customs, ethnicities, and cultures. Thus,
awareness of the centrality of the value of the religious life of the Indonesian nation is embodied
in the provision of religious material from kindergarten to college. This is done because the
national development will succeed if we have qualified human resources, which the indicator is
tolerance life in daily. Education is the right of every human being, including the right to receive
religious education. Thus, education institutions are required to provide religious education based
on the religion of students. This provision is written in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 20 Year 2003 about National Education System in chapter V article 12 paragraph 1
point a. setiap peserta didik pada satuan pendidikan berhak mendapatkan pendidikan agama
sesuai dengan agama yang dianutnya dan diajarkan oleh pendidik yang seagama. In fact, some
Christian schools do it and implement it through a learning model with the characteristics and
uniqueness taught by Muslim teacher. Based on the description, the researcher focuses on the
discussion about Religious Tolerance of Christians Institution in Indonesia (A Case Study of
Islamic Education in Christian Schools).