Pengaruh Pendapatan Mudharabah, Musyarakah dan Murabahah terhadap Profitabilitas pada Bank Umum Syariah Periode 2013-2015
This research aims to find out and analyze the influence of mudharabah revenue, musyarakah revenue, murabahah revenue against profitability measured by ROA. This research is quantitative. Type of this research is quantitative research. Population studies that used BUS financial reports listed on the Website of the Bank Indonesia.
The sample used is financial ratio reports and income statementsreported by Islamic financial institutions in three months or quarterlyduring the year 2013-2015. The data analysis technique used is quantitative data to perform statistical analysis using linear regression analysis, analysis of the correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination analysis, hypothesis testing, and analysis using a t-test. The results showed that musyarakah and murabaha influential negative and significantly to profitability. While the positive effect and mudharabah financing significantly to profitability.