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dc.contributor.authorAmrizal, A.
dc.contributor.authorAprilia, Nurdiani
dc.identifier.citationAbdelsalam, O.H dan Street, D.L. 2007, Corporate governance and the timeliness of corporate internet reporting by U.K. listed companies Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 16 (2) 111-130 Abor, J., & Adjasi, C. K. D. (2007). Corporate governance and the small and medium enterprises sector: Theory and implication. Corporate Governance, 7(2). Forum Corporate Governance Indonesia (FCGI). 2006. Governance Publication Test 1. Jakarta Forum for Corporate Governance in Indonesia (FGCI). Peranan Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Audit dalam Pelaksanaan Corporate Governance. Seri Tata Kelola Perusahaan Jilid 11. Lailah Fujianti, Universitas Pancasila Jakarta (SNA 20), “Analisis Determinasi dan Reaksi Pasar Atas Timeliness Reporting: studi kasus pada Bursa Efek Indonesia” Marty, B., Arthur. K., Ira, S. W.2007. The effect of reporting frequency on the timeliness of earnings: The cases of voluntary and mandatory interim reports. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 43 (2-3): 181-217 Rustiarini, Ni Wayan (2010), “Pengaruh Corporate Governance Pada Hubungan Corporate Social Responsibility Dan Nilai Perusahaan” Schmidt, J and Wilkins, M.S.,2013. Bringing Darkness to Light: The Influence of Auditor Quality and Audit Committee Expertise on the Timeliness of Financial Statement Restatement Disclosures. A Journal of Practice & Theory American Accounting Association 32 (1): 221-224.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the role of the structure of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and the reaction of the market to monitor and suppress reporting timeliness in preparing financial statements that affect the assessment of the company. This study focused on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in particular sub sectors of food and beverages, cosmetics and household, and household appliances by using linear regression analysis, the results of research partial test (t test) showed that the Board of independent directors and the audit committee shows that a significant effect on the value of the company, while the ownership structure of management, institutional ownership structure, board of commissioners, the market's reaction and timeliness reporting no effect on the value of the company.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectGood Corporate Governance (GCG)in_ID
dc.subjectMarket Reactionin_ID
dc.subjectTimeliness Reportingin_ID
dc.subjectValue Of The companyin_ID
dc.titleGood Corporate Governance dan Reaksi Pasar atas Timeliness Reporting terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor Industri Barang dan Konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2011-2015)in_ID

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