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dc.contributor.authorRoziaty, Efri
dc.contributor.authorFuri, Ade Ratna
dc.identifier.citationAptroot, A., Diaz, J. A., Barcenas-Pena, A., & etc. (2014). Rapid assessment of the diversity of "vehiculicolous" lichens on a thirty year old Ford Bronco truck in Central Puerto Rico. Fungi, 22-27. Coffey, H. M., & Fahrig, L. (2012). Relative effects of vehicle pollution, moisture and colonization sources on urban lichens. Journal of Applied Ecology, 1467-1474. McCune, B., Dey, J., Peck, J., Heiman, K., & Will-Wolf, S. (1997). Regional Gradients in Lichen Communities of Southeast United States. The Bryologyst, 145-158. Rindita, Sudriman, L. I., & Koesmaryono, Y. (2015). Air Quality Bioindicator Using The Population of Epiphytic Macrolichen in Bogor City, West Java. Hayati, 53-59. Rosentreter, R., Bowker, M., & Belnap, J. (2007). A Field Guide to Biological Soil Crust of Weestern US Drylans - Common Lichens and Bryophytes. Arizona, USA: Nothern Arizona University Press. Sujetoviene, G. (2010). Road Traffic Pollution Effects on Epiphytic Lichens. Ekologija, 6471. Wetmore, C. M. (1989). Lichens and Air Quality in White Mountain National Forest Wilderness Areas. Minnesota, USA: University of Minnesota.in_ID
dc.description.abstractLichens are organism usually found on tree trunk and rocks. They are also very sensitive to pollutions.Meanwhile, the rapid increase in the use of motor vehicles has a huge impact on the emergence of pollution inmost of environments. In fact, the increasing quantity of emission from the transportation sector, especiallyvehicles on the roads, has resulted high level of air pollution that influences the morphology of lichens. The aim of the research was to identify lichens growing naturally in the campus area and the natural habitat of theSekipan forest. It was done by observing the population of lichens in two different stations. The study site wasdivided into two stations, namely campus area and the Sekipan forest. The research employed explorationmethod. The 1 st station was the campus area and the 2 nd station was the Sekipan forest. The parameters werethe morphology and the colony of lichens. Species richness was revealed in which the diversity of lichens inSekipan forest was higher in compared with those in the campus area. The results of the survey demonstratedthe different species of lichen in campus area (Station 1) and Sekipan forest in Karanganyar, Central Java.Basically, lichens in the campus area are less in species diversity, but they have species richness in forest.in_ID
dc.publisherProceedings of ISETH 2017 (The 3rd International Conference on Science, Technology, and Humanity)in_ID
dc.titleLichen: Comparative Study Between Campus Area and Forest Sekipan Karanganyar Central Javain_ID

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