PELAJARAN POLITIK MANAQIB SUFIYAH (Telaah terhadap Kitab Al-Lujjain Al-Dani)
Tasawuf concept in managib Syeikh Abd Al-Qadir al-Jilani full of politic content.
The first indication showed in the usage of suf word for tasawuf term. This terminology
not only as a symbol of simplicity and purifying soul but aslso destinated to politic
critical symbol toward the luxurious living of the ruler/king in the palace. Managib
applied struggle from without strategy in the action concept . This atrategy directed
people in order to keep the distance and critisize the ruer/king that percepted dholim. The
attitudes that perfomed in that strategy did not come closer to the ruler/king moreover
until involving his/herself in ruling practice.