Kelebihan dan Kekurangan E-Learning berbasis Schoology (Studi PTK dalam Pembejaran Mata Kuliah Academic Listening)
Schoology is one of alternative media used by teachers or lectures to upgrade and accelerate teaching learning process. The use of it is not only for one subject or course, but it can also be used for every subject. Based on previous researches, it is mentioned that Schoology is better and more effective than other media. From that, the researcher is willing to prove their strengths when it is applied in teaching learning process of listening course. And of course, beside that, there are weaknesses too. So the research objectives are as follows: (1) understanding the strengths of using Schoology in teaching Academic Listening and (2) understanding the weaknesses of using Schoology in teaching Academic Listening. This research is in the frame of classroom action research with the subject of the study is the students of English Department FKIP-UMS. The data were collected by observation and question and answer then analyzed by using descriptive method. The results show that (1) the advantages of using Schoology in teaching learning Academic Listening are: easy to access, easy to control assignment, rapid in transferring the materials, various materials can be sent, and (2) the weaknesses are: fail to sent due to connection, need a lot of quota, can cooperate between the students present and absent in submitting the tasks, old hand phone cannot access, need hard working in controlling the students. As a conclusion, Schoology is very helpful in teaching learning process, however, the teachers or lectures need pay more attention on the weaknesses. By knowing these, we can anticipate the troubles that will happen.