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dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the significant effect partially
and simultaneously between product quality, price, and brand equity to consumer
decision to buy Fresh Milk Shi Jack in Surakarta. This study used a sample of 100
respondents, with data collection methods using questionnaires. Analyzer used is
multiple linear regression analysis, test of coefficient of determination (R2), F test,
and T test. The result of the analysis shows that the result of T test is obtained that
the independent variable X1 (product quality) and X2 (price) have no significant
effect to consumer decision to buy Fresh Milk Shi Jack in Surakarta. This is
provided by the Tcount X1 = 1.914 and X2 = 1.885 smaller Ttable = 1.985. While the
variable X3 (brand equity) have significant effect on consumer decision to buy Fresh
Milk Shi Jack in Surakarta. This is provided by the Tcount X3 = 2,975 is larger Ttable
= 1.985. Based on the F test results obtained the value of Fcount = 17,973, is larger
than F tabel = 3,150, this means simultaneously between product quality, price, and
brand equity have significant effect on consumer decision to buy Fresh Milk Shi
Jack in Surakarta and also the results show that the model used is the right
(goodness of fit). The value of coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.877, show that
independent variables including product quality, price, and brand equity in the
model able to explain variation of consumer decision to buy Fresh Milk Shi Jack =
87,7% and the rest 13,3% factors or other variables outside the model. | id_ID |