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dc.contributor.authorEdy, Irwan Christanto
dc.contributor.authorHaryanti, Setyani Sri
dc.identifier.citationAgusty Ferdinand, 2014. Metode Penelitian Manajemen , UNDIP, Semaang. Badgaiyan, A. J., & Verma, A. 2014. Intrinsic factors affecting impulsive buying behaviour-evidence from india. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(4), 537–549. Beatty, S. E. & Ferrell, M.E. 1998. Impulse buying: Modeling its precursors, Journalof Retailing, 74(2), 169-191. Fornell, C and Larcker, D. F. 1981. Evaluating Structural Equatuion Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal Of Marketing Research, 18 (1): 39-50 Ghozali, Imam dan Hengky Latan. 2012. Partial Least Square: Konsep, Teknik dan AplikasiMenggunakan Program SmartPLS 2.0 M3. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro Hoch, J. & Loewenstein, G. 1991, Time- inconsistent preferences and consumer selfcontrol. Journalof Consumer Research,17, 492–507. Kharis, IsmuFadli. 2011. Studi Mengenai Impulse Buyingdalam Penjualan Online.Skripsi Universitas Diponegoro.Semarang Liang, Y.-P. 2012. The Relationship between Consumer Product Involvement, Product Knowledge and Impulsive Buying Behavior. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 57, 325–330. Liao, S.-L., Shen, Y.-C., & Chu, C.-H. 2009. The effects of sales promotion strategy, product appeal and consumer traits on reminder impulse buying behaviour. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33(3), 274–284. Mihić, M., & Kursan, I. 2010. Assessing the Situational Factors and Impulsive Buying Behavior: Market Segentation Approach. Management, 15, 47–66. Mowen. 1995. Perilaku Konsumen dan Komunikasi Pemasaran, Jakarta. :karangan Sutisna. Rema, D. 2012. 7 Alasan Mengapa Wanita Suka Berbelanja. (Online), (, diakses tanggal 1 Februari 2013. Rook, D.W. 1987. The Buying Impulse. The Journal of Consumer Research, 14,189-199. Rook, D. W., & Fisher, R. J. 1995. Normative influences on impulsive buyingbehavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 22, 305-313. Shahjehan, A., Qureshi, J. ., Zeb, F., & Saifullah, K. 2012. The effect of personality on impulsive and compulsive buying behaviors. African Journal of Business Management, 6(6), 2187–2194. Schiffman & Kanuk. 2004. Perilaku Konsumen (edisi 7). Jakarta : Prentice Hall Setyawarman, Adityo. 2009. Pola Sebaran dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Lokasi Retail Modern (Studi Kasus Kota Surakarta).Semarang : Universitas Diponegoro.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study to determine the factors that influence the behavior impulsive buying in consumer online. This study is a survey research. The data used are primary data and secondary student population of the city of Surakarta as research objects. Data collection instrument in the form of a list of questions (questionnaire) both with closed questions. Data analysis methods used include 1) analysis of test instruments that test the validity and reliability test, 2) descriptive statistical analysis, 3) analysis by SEM-PLS models. These results indicate that (1) the product characteristics of the most dominant influence impulsive behavior, (2) Goodness of fit model by 61% (for R-Square = 0.61), meaning that the model is sound and Impulsive buying behavior is influenced by the characteristics of the product, marketing and consumer by 61%, and the rest 39% influenced by other factors not examined, (3) Hedonism less effective mediating influence the characteristics of the product, marketing and consumers against buying Impulsive Behavior.id_ID
dc.publisherThe National Conference on Management and Business (NCMAB) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectproduct characteristicsid_ID
dc.subjectcharacteristics of marketingid_ID
dc.subjectconsumer characteristicsid_ID
dc.subjectimpulsive behaviorid_ID
dc.titleImpulsive Buying Behavior pada Konsumen Onlineid_ID

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