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dc.contributor.authorHabiby, Wahdan Najib
dc.contributor.authorRahmah, Aulia Maulida
dc.contributor.authorPrimasti, Nabila Alfiarini Mutiara
dc.contributor.authorPranoga, Pipit Indah
dc.identifier.citationAoun, J.E. 2017. Robot-proof: higher education in the age of artificial intelligence.US: MITPress. Arsyad, Azhar. 2010. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Media Pembelajaran (Rev.ed). Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri. 2000. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. Hermann, M., Pentek, T., & Otto, B. 2015. Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios. Presented at the 49th Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Science. Irianto, D. (2017). Industry 4.0; The Challenges of Tomorrow. Makalah. Disampaikan pada Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri, Batu-Malang. Izzaty, Rita Eka, dkk. 2008. Perkembangan Peserta Didik. Yogyakarta: UNY. Press.;sequence=1 Lee, J., Lapira, E., Bagheri, B., Kao, H., (2013). Recent Advances and Trends in Predictive Manufacturing Systems in Big Data Environment. Manuf. Lett. 1 (1). Permendiknas No. 16 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Kualifikasi Akademik dan Kompetensi Guru. Permendikbud No. 22 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Septian Ariski, Tampubolon Jintar. 2015. Pengaruh Pembelajaran Menggunakan Media Tiga Dimensi (3D) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Menggambar Dengan Perangkat Lunak Kelas Xi Program Keahlian Teknik Gambar Bangunan Smk Negeri 2 Meulaboh. Jurnal Educational Building. Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2015 : 70 – 78. http://ipi412889.pdf Slameto. 2003. Belajar dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. Schwab, K. 2017. The fourth industrial revolution. Crown Business Press. USA: Random House. Sugiyono, 2010. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan : Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D. Bandung: ALFABETA Yulia Maftuhah, Hidayati. 2012. Pembelajaran Penjumlahan Bilangan Pecahan Dengan Metode Contextual Teaching And Learning (Ctl) Di SD Muhammadiyah Program Khusus, Kota Barat, Surakarta. Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora. Vol.13, No. 1, 86-94 Yusran Anas, Agus Wahyudi Riana, Nurliana Cipta Apsari. 2015. Desa dan Kota Dalam Potret Pendidikan.
dc.description.abstractRapid technological advancement presents a new era known as the industrial revolution era 4.0. The presence of a new era is a real challenge for the world of education in Indonesia. One indicator of the presence of this new era is the availability of unlimited access to information, meaning that knowledge is more easily obtained by humans without having to go to school, this condition is clearly a serious threat to the existence of schools in the education system in Indonesia. As an effort to face these challenges, it is necessary to strengthen schools as institutions, as well as human resources in schools as implementers of national education. So the purpose of this paper is to create educators at the village level who are competent and have skills in facing the 4.0 industrial revolution with the use of instructional media connected in the internet network so as to improve the quality of education by using existing materials in their environment. Implementation steps, namely by: 1) Observation. 2) Making Learning Media. 3) Use of Media in Learning. 4) Evaluation 5) Conclusions. With this training, it is hoped that it can help the availability of education human resources in the village who are ready to face the industrial revolution era 4.0 without presenting local potential and wisdom.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional Pendidikan 2018id_ID
dc.subjectIndustrial revolutionid_ID
dc.titlePeran Mahasiswa sebagai Penghubung antar Era melalui Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Bagi Guru di Pedesaanid_ID

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