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dc.contributor.authorOinike, Aritonang Keshia
dc.contributor.authorPontoh, Resa Septiani
dc.contributor.authorTantular, Bertho
dc.identifier.citationAgresti Alan 2007An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis. (New York:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)p 28-32 Andersen E B 1991The Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data (Berlin: Springer-Verlag)p 95-96 Bates MN,Khalakdina A. 2007. Risk of Tuberclosis from exposure to Tobacco Smoke : A Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis.;167(4):335-42 Borenstein, M., Hedges, L.V., Higgnis, J.P.T., and Rothstein, H.R 2009 Introduction of Meta-Analysis (West Sussex:John Wiley & Sons, Ltd) p63-186 Camil Fuchs 1982 Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Model Selection in Contingency Table with Missing Data American Statistical Association, Vol. 77. No. 378, pp. 270-278. Card A N 2012 Applied Meta-Analysis for Social Science Research (New York: The Gullford Press) Carter R L2006. Solutions for Missing Data in Structural Equation Modeling.(Virginia: Research & Practice inAssement Marymount University.) Djafri D, Sri Ridha H 2014 Meta-Analisis Faktor Risiko Modifiable Penyakit Jantung Kardiovaskular (Hipertensi, PenyakitJantungKoroner, dan Stroke) di Asia Tenggara (Padang.:Universitas Andalas) Dogar O F, Pillai N, Safdar N, Shah S K, Zahid R, dan Siddiqi K 2015 Second Hand smoke and the risk of Tuberclosis : A Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis., 2015 Nov; 143(15):3158-72. Ling H P, and I A H 2008 Analyzing Incomplete Categorical Data: Revisiting Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) Procedure. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods: Vol7:Iss. 2, Article 14. Leandro Gioacchino 2005 Meta-Analysis in Medical Research (Massachusetts: Blackwell Publising.) Mark WL, and David B W Practical Meta-Analysis (Applied Social Research Methods Series)(California: Sage Publicaion, Inc.) McLachlan G J, and Krishnan T 2008 The EM Algorithm and Extensions (New Jersey: John Wiley &Sons., Inc.) Schwarzer, G., Carpenter, J.R., dan Rucker, G. 2015. Meta-Analysis with R(Switzerland: Springer International Publishing) Watkins J C 2011 Introduction to Science of Statistics : From Theory to Implementation(University of Arizona) p 221-229id_ID
dc.description.abstractAccording to WHO, Pulmonary TB is still one of the most deadly diseases and the death rate has reached millions of lives throughout the world including Indonesia. Smoking is one of the main causes of someone contracting pulmonary TB. The goal of this study is to find association between Pulmonary TB and smoking habits in Indonesia using published study. Published studies that reproting Pulmonary TB and smoking habits was complemented by manual searching. Thirty-six studies were selected that covering 12 province in Indonesia. Meta-analysis was conducted using Random effect model. 46641 patients were included in the analysis, and there were 1698 patients that suffering from Pulmonary TB and 44943 patients that not suffering. The association between Pulmonary TB and smoking habits is statistically significant with <0.0001 in p-value and 4.94 in z-score. The pooled odds ratio estimate for smokersvsnon smokers was of 1.8697dan 95% - CI [1.4583; 2.3972] or patients who smoked 1.86 times at risk of pulmonary TB than non-smoking patients. Smoking habits is significantly associated with the risk of Pulmonary TB in Indonesia.id_ID
dc.publisherProsiding Konferensi Nasional Penelitian Matematika dan Pembelajarannya (KNPMP) IV 2019id_ID
dc.titleAssociation Between Smoking Behavior and Tuberculosis in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysisid_ID

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