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dc.contributor.authorHajar, Wahyuningtyas Siti
dc.identifier.citationBrown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. San Francisco: Person Education, Inc. Brewster, Jean. Et al.2003. The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. England: Person Education Limited Cohen, Louice, Lawrence Manion, and Keith Morrison. 2007. Research Methods in Education. New York: Routledge Feely bag fun. Online at [accessed 30/03/14] Feely box a toddler adventure in the land of texture. Online at [accessed 19/02/14] Gall, Meredith. D. et al. 2003. Educational Research: An Introduction 7th Edition (Revised Ed.). USA: Person Education, Inc. Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. How to Teach English. Available at 3467c0/_as/%5BJeremy_Harmer%5D_How_to_Teach_English(BookFi .org).pdf [accessed 11/03/14] . 2004. How to Teach Writing. Available at dc2/_as/%5BJeremy_Harmer%5D_How_to_Teach_Writing( df [accessed 01/05/14] Heinich, Robert. et al. 2002. Instructional Media & Technologies for Learning (7th Edition). Available at http://store.freecollege. org/noleech1.php?hidden=q:/504000/b0be9099094858a0179b9 be625de9f60&hidden0=Sharon_E.__Heinich,_Robert__Russell,_James _D._Smaldino_Instructional_Technology_and_Media_for_Learning__2 004.pdf [accessed 01/04/14] Hyland, Ken. 2003. Second Language Writing. Available at http://store.freecollege. org/noleech1.php?hidden=q:/387000/4072de6c8ed0f961058832 153a55463c&hidden0=Ken_Hyland_Second_Language_Writing___20 03.pdf [accessed 27/03/14] Urdan, Timothy. C. 2010. Statistics in Plain English (Revised Ed.). London: Routledge Wright, Andrew., Betteridge, David., Buckby, Michael. 2009. Games for Language Learning (Revised Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Pressid_ID
dc.description.abstractThe main objectives to find out whether there is any significant difference or not of the students’ ability in writing report text between the students’ taught using feely game and those without using feely game. This study is true experimental design using post-test control and experimental design. The population of the research is 342 students. The total sample were 69 students’ which taken from two classes. XI A1 and XI A2 were the sample. The instrument of this research is written test. The mean score for the class that is taught using feely game is 84.97 and for the class that is taught without using feely game is 78.81. The result of t-test is 4.47 and the different deviation is 67. The percentage of ttable 5% is 1.996. The computation shows that t-test was statistically higher than t-table (4.47> 1.996). It can be conclude that the students’ ability in writing report text who are taught using feely game is better than those are taught without using feely game. The teacher may implement feely game to developed the students’ ability in writing. Moreover, the students’ gets a new experience in learning English to improve their writing ability by using feely game.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya (SEMNAS KBSP) IV 2016id_ID
dc.titleDifferences Using and Without Feely Game in Written Report Textsid_ID

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