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dc.contributor.authorDarojati, Hukma
dc.identifier.citationAminuddin, Semantik (Pengantar Studi Tentang Makda), Sinar Baru Algesindo, Bandung, 2001. Ash.Shiddieqy, Hasbi, Tafsier Al Quranul Madjied, Bulan Bintang, Djakarta, 1970 Endriana, Sriwahyuni, A Descriptive Study on The Use of Colloquial Style in English Songs, Unpublished Thesis, Salatiga, 2003 Finegan, Edward, Language Its Structure and Use, University of Southern California, USA Fromkin, Victoria and Rodman, Robert, An Introduction to Language, Library of Longress Catalouging in Publication Data, United States of Amerika, 1988 Hasan, Hamka, Tafsir Gender, Badan Litbang & Diklat Departemen Agama RI, 2009 Heasley, Brendan, and James R. Hurford, Semantics: A Coursebook, Cambridge University Press, Great – Britain, 1983 Hillai, Muhammad Taqiud – din, and Muhammad Muhsin Khan, The Noble Qur’an, Darrus Salam Publications, Saudi Arabia, 1996 Hollliday, M.A.K and Hasan, Rugaiya, Language, context and text : Aspects of Language in a social – semiotic perspective, Deakis University, Victoria, 1989 Holliday, M.A.K, Language of Social Semiotic, British Library Catalouging in Publication Data, Great Britain, 1994 Ieech, Geoffrey, Semantics, Penguin Books. Australia, 1974 Ismail, Nurjannah, Perempuan dalam Pasungan, LKIS, Yogya, 2003. Kempson, Ruth M. Semantic Theory, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 1977 Lyons, John, Liguistics Semantics, Cambridge University Press, 1996, Great Britain, 1996 Lyons, John, Language and Linguistic, Cambridge Uni Press, Great Britain, 1997. Mohammad, A Descriptive Study on Figurative Language Used in Celine Dion’s Songs. Unpublished Thesis, Salatiga.2003 Parker, Frank, Linguistic for Non Linguistic, Taylor and Francis Ltd, Great Britain Palmer, F.R. Semantic, Cambridge University Press. Great Britain, 1983 Rahman, Fazlur, Islam dan Modernitas : Tentang Transformasi Intelektual, Penerbit Pustaka, Bandung, 1985 Subhan, Zaitunah, Tafsir Kebencian : Studi Bias Gender Dalam Tafsir Qur’an. LKS. Yogyakarta, 1999 Sumarsono, Pengantar Semantik, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 2009. Sumarlam dkk, Teori dan Praktik Analisis Wacana, Pustaka Cakra Surakarta, Solo Baru, 2003 Suryani, Latifah, A Descriptive Study of Register used in Commercial Banking, Unpublished Thesis, Salatiga, 2003 Suwandi, Sarwiji, Semantik Pengantar Kajian Makna. Media Perkasa, Yogyakarta, 2008 Supeno, Ilyas, desain Ilmu dan Keislaman Dalam Pemikiran Nermeneutika Fazlur Rahman, Walisongo Press,2008 Wijana, I Dewa Putu dan M. Rohmad, Semantik Teori dan Analisis, Yuma Pustaka, Surakarta, 2008. Yeniati, Ifonila, A Descriptive Study on Figurative Language Used in West Life’s Songs, Unpublished Thesis, Salatiga, 2003. Yule, George, The Study of Language, Cambridge Uni Press, United Kingdom, 2009.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThis research is focus on semantic analysis in surah an-Nisa verse 34 lexically and contextually. Semantic is the study of meaning of words, phrases and sentence. It focuses on the relation between signifiers, such as words, phrases, signs, and symbols, and what they stand for. Linguistic semantics is the study of meaning that is used to understand human expression through language. In linguistics, semantic analysis is the process of relating syntactic structures, from the levels of phrases, clauses, sentences and paragraphs to the level of the writing as a whole, to their language-independent meanings. The lexical meaning is study of semantics which concern with the meaning based on the dictionary. On the other hand, contextual meaning is the study of semantics which concern with the meaning based on the situational. However, lexically, based on the interpretation of Muhammad Taqiuddin, surah an-Nisa verse 34 discuss about the noble duty of husband to his wife. A husband as the leader of the household and the wife is the manager. It also talks about the way of husband remind the wife whom cannot do the duty of wife. Beside, contextually, Qawwam has many interpretation meanings. Classical Muslim scholar said that man is the leader of woman in the family, moderate scholar conclude that a woman can be a leader if she can fulfill what in family need including leading sector of family and modern scholar coming from feminist said that both man and woman have the same right dealing of family.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya (SEMNAS KBSP) IV 2016id_ID
dc.titleLexical Analysis in The Noble Qur'an Surah An-Nisa Verse 34 Interpreted by Dr. Muhammad Taqiuddin Al-Hilali, Ph.D.id_ID

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