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dc.contributor.authorWardhono, Djarot Tri
dc.contributor.authorTamin, Ofyar Z.
dc.contributor.authorPutro, Heru Purboyo Hidayat
dc.contributor.authorMiharja, Miming
dc.identifier.citationPustaka yang berupa majalah/jurnal ilmiah/prosiding Cetindamar, Dilek et al. 2009.Understanding technology management as a dynamic capability : A framework for technology management activities.SciencedirectTechnovation 29. Chen, Irene Y.L. et al. 2009.Examining the Factors Influencing Participants’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Virtual Learning Communities.Educational Technology & Society, 12 (1). Chih-Chien Wang, et al. 2006. Acceptance of Technology with Network Externalities : An Empirical Study of Internet Instant Messaging Services.Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application. Guus G.M. Pijpers. 2006.An Investigation of Factors that Influence Senior Executives to accept Innovations in Information Technology.International Journal of Management. Hsu et al. 2004.Predicting electronic service continuance with a decomposed theory of planned behavior.Behaviour& Information Technology, VOL. 23. Lin, Hsiu-Fen. 2006.Understanding Behavioral Intention to Participate in Virtual Communities.Cyberpsychology& Behavior, Volume 9, Number 5. Magid Igbaria, et al. 1997.Personal Computing Acceptance Factors in Small Firms : A Structural Equation Model. MIS Quarterly. Venkatesh, Viswanath, et al. 2000.A Theoritical Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model : Four Longitudinal Field Studies.Management Science. ViswanathVenkatesh, et al. 1996.A Model of the Antecedents of Perceived Ease of Use : Develompment and Tests.Decision Science. Pustaka yang berupa disertasi/thesis/skripsi Gibson, Lloyd G. et al. --.Chinese American Internet Banking Acceptance: Implications ForMulticulturalMarketing.SetonHillUniversity. Hur, Youngjin. 2007.Determinants Of Sport Website Acceptance: An Application And Extension Of The TechnologyAcceptanceMode.WashingtonStateUniversity. Lin, Wen-Shan et al. --.Determinants of User Adoption of E-payment Services.National Chia-Yi University, Taiwan. Lin, Yi-Mei.2005. Understanding Students’ Technology Appropriation And Learning Perceptions In Online Learning Environments.University of Missouri-Columbia. Moons I., etal.2009.The motivational determinants in adopting sustainable products.University of Antwerp, Belgium. Ndubisi, Nelson Oly. 2004.Factors influencing e-learning adoption intention: Examining the determinant structure of the decomposed theory of planned behaviour constructs.Universiti Malaysia Sabah, F.T. Labuan, Malaysia. Rivis, Amanda,et al. 2002.Social Influences And The Theory Of Planned Behaviour: Evidence For A Direct Relationship Between Prototypes And Young People’s Exercise Behaviour.Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TP, UK. Shields, William M. 2007.Theory and Practice in the Study of Technological Systems.Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Smith,Douglass Paul. 2008.Models of Successful Adoption and Implementation for IT Projects in the PublicSector.WaldenUniversity. Turner, Archie Andrew. 2007.Diffusion of Collaboration Technology in A Global GovernmentOrganization.GeorgeWashingtonUniversity. Venkatesh, Viswanath. 2002.Personal Computers In Homes: A Comparison Of Alternative Models Of Technology Adoption And Use.IndianaUniversity. ViswanathVenkatesh. 1998.User Acceptance of Information Technology : A Unified View.TheUniversity of Minnesota. Yang, Kiseol. 2006.The Effects of Consumer Perceived Value and Subjective Norm on the Adoption of Mobile Data Services: A Cross-cultural Comparison of American and Korean Consumers.The University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Yi-Shun Wang, et al. 2003.Determinant of user acceptance of Internet Banking : an empirical study.International Journal of Service Industry Management.id_ID
dc.description.abstractPenerapan inovasi teknologi dalam transportasi yang mempengaruhi berbagai pihak termasuk pengguna. Keberhasilan penggunaan teknologi smartcard oleh pengguna dipengaruhi oleh penerimaan. Aplikasi penerapan teknologi baru di transportasi memberikan pengaruh terhadap pengguna jasa. Studi ini memiliki tujuan melakukan penelitian terhadap pengaruh gender dan usia terhadap perilaku penerimaan teknologi smartcard dalam perjalanan komuter kereta api dengan menggunakan teori perilaku, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Kesuksesan penggunaan teknologi smartcard oleh pengguna dipengaruhi oleh penerimaan teknologi itu sendiri. Penelitian ini melakukan survey terhadap 800 responden pengguna kereta api komuter. Model yang diteliti melakukan penelitian yang mempengaruhi kunstruksi TPB yaitu attitudes, subjective norms, dan perceived behavioral control terhadap penerimaan teknologi smartcard pada pengguna kereta api komuter berdasarkan gender dan usia. Model TPB menunjukkan hasil yang baik terhadap penerimaan smartcard tersebut oleh pengguna jasa baik dari sisi usia maupun dari sisi gender.id_ID
dc.publisherSeminar Nasional Teknik Sipil III 2013id_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Gender dan Usia terhadap Penerimaan Smart Card dalam Perjalanan Dengan Kereta Api dengan Theory Planned Behaviour (TPB)id_ID

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