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dc.contributor.authorSutandi, A. Caroline
dc.identifier.citationAbdel-Rahim, Ahmed and Taylor, W. C. (2000). “Potential Travel Time and Delay Benefits of Using Adaptive Signals.” Transportation Research Board, Washington DC Remarks: Presentation at the 79th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Michigan State University, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. AWA Plessey. (1997a), Bandung "After" Traffic Study, Supply and Installation of An Area Traffic Control (ATC) System Bandung, Volume I. AWA Plessey. (1997b), Bandung "After" Traffic Study, Supply and Installation of An Area Traffic Control (ATC) System Bandung, Volume II. Bose, Arnab and Ioannou, Petros. (2003). “Mixed Manual / Semiautomated Traffic: A Macroscopic Analysis, Transportation Research.” Part C, Emerging Technologies, journal, vol. 11, issue 6, pp. 439 – 462, December 2003. Clement, Stuart J., Taylor, Michael A.P., Yue, Wen Long. (2004). “Simple Platoon Advancement A Model of Automated Vehicle Movement at Signalised Intersections.” Transportation Research Part C, Emerging Technologies, journal, volume 12, issue 3 - 4, pp. 293 – 320. ITS Australia (2010), Intelligent Transportation System Australia [online] Available from Liu, Ronghui, van Vliet, Dirck, Watling, David. (2005), Microsimulation Models Incorporating Both Deman and Supply Dinamics, Institute for Transport Studies, Univ. of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. Mirchandani, Pitu and Head, Larry. (2001). “A Real-time Traffic Signal Control System: Architecture, Algorithm, and Analysis.” Transportation Research Part C, Emerging Technologies, journal, volume 9, issue 16, pp. 415 – 432, December 2001. Montgomery, Jeff. (1996). “Aussie Device Should Improve Traffic Flow.” News-Journal (Wilmington, Del.), p. D9, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Inst. Transp Studies. Nigarnjanagool, Suphasawas and Dia, H. (2005). “Evaluation of A Coordinated and Real time Signal Optimisation Modelling Using Traffic Simulation.” Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the Australian Institutes of Transport Research, December 2005, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Robertson, H. Douglas, Hummer, Joseph E., Nelson, Donna G. (1994). Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliff, New Jersey 07632. Roess, Roger P., Mc Shane, William R., Prassas, Elena S. (1998), Traffic Engineering, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Sutandi, A. Caroline. (2006). “Performance Evaluation of Advanced Traffic Control Systems In A Developing Country.” Ph.D Dissertation (Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia). Sutandi., A. Caroline and Santosa, Wimpy. (2007). “Performance Evaluation of Advanced Traffic Control Systems in Different Road Network Typologies.” Proceedings of the 7th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies International Conference, Volume 6, Dalian, China, September 2007. Transportation Research Board. (2000). Highway Capacity Manual, available from National Research Council, Washington D.C.TSS (2004), Transport Simulation Systems, available from TSS. (2010). Transport Simulation Systems, available from http: // U.S. Department of Transportation. (2010). Benefit of Integrated Technologies and The National ITS Architecture [online] Available from Xia, Yiping and Shao, Yaping. (2005). “Modelling of Traffic Flow and Air Pollution Emission with Application of Hong Kong Island.” Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, volume 20, issue 9, pp 1175 – 1188, September 2005.en_US
dc.identifier.issn1411- 8904
dc.description.abstractAdvanced traffic control system atau sering disebut ATCS biasanya digunakan di kota besar di negara berkembang untuk mengurangi masalah kemacetan. Namun sistem ini tidak dapat diterapkan di semua persimpangan bersinyal yang ada di suatu kota. Kondisi lokal misanya kondisi geometrik dan lalu lintas harus dipertimbangkan secara matang. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk melakukan identifikasi karakteristik persimpangan bersinyal yang harus dikendalikan menggunakan ATCS. Data lapangan telah dikumpulkan dari 19 lokasi persimpangan bersinyal yang menggunakan ATCS, dan 10 arus yang terkait dengan persimpangan tersebut di Bandung, Indonesia. Perhitungan manual lalu lintas, video kamera, dan metode floating car digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data pada jam sibuk pagi (pukul 07.00-08.00), pada jam off peak (pukul 10.00-11.00), dan jam sibuk sore (16.30-17.30). Pengukuran dalam penentuan karakteristik persimpangan bersinyal dihitung per kapasitas setiap lengan persimpangan, jumlah antrian setiap lengan, dan waktu tempuh pada setiap arus. Berdasarkan hasil investigasi dapat dinyatakan bahwa penerapan ATCS diekomendasikan di persimpangan bersinyal dengan karakteristik memiliki banyak lengan, berada di CBD, persimpangan yang berdekatan dan hambatan samping tinggi. Hasil studi ini sangat bermanfaat tidak hanya untuk kota Bandung tetapi juga untuk kota besar lain di Indonesia yang mempunyai kondisi sama. Sehingga penerapan ATCS dengan biaya tinggi hanya diperlukan oleh persimpangan bersinyal yang membutuhkaen_US
dc.subjectkarakteristik persimpangan bersinyalen_US
dc.subjectkondisi lalu lintas lokalen_US

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