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dc.description.abstract | Background: Unrighteous of hospital was confronted with challenge of emulation and environment
competitively. Hence to reply challenge of emulation in the future, hospital does not only have to can
create high technological new product and service, innovative and creative, but also should be able to
give service of health qualities including several things that is appearance of adequate physical,
reliability, energy of listen carefully of guarantee with respect to safeness and also reliably, empathy
and achievability of hospital from facet of expense and also location
Purpose: To know the level of satisfaction of in-patient and illustration about quality of health service at
BPK RSU Regency of Magelang.
Method: This Research is non experimental analytic descriptive research with cross-sectional
approach. With analyzing the correlation between the qualities of health service with patient
satisfaction at level take care to lodge.
Result: The quality of health service have an average value 63,69, level of patient satisfaction have an
average value of patient satisfaction take care of lodging 41,98. The result of correlation test showed
value p = 0,000 < p = 0,005, and the sum of correlation coefficient value equal to 0,514.
Conclusion: There is positive and significant correlation between service qualities and satisfaction
level which the inclusive of into medium category. This matter indicates that high lower of patient
satisfaction level influenced by high lower given service quality. | en_US |